Keep Moving Forward

What 2018 Has Taught Me About Resilience
Some days you feel on top of the world; other days feel like a slow crawl through molasses. On these difficult days, take a few moments to feel the feels (cry it out!), then push forward.
Rejection and failure are often the closed doors we asked for: clarity in direction when we’re making a change in life. Whether it’s a relationship, job, location, or lifestyle change, we can become overwhelmed with possibilities and beg for clarity. But this cleared path includes some failures and rejection on the way to successes and yes’s.
Keeping it real, I’ve always been too scared to take chances on opportunities I didn’t believe would be a certain yes. 2018 has been a year of trying new things and taking bigger chances. This has involved some amazing growth within me and new awesome tribes of people I wouldn’t have otherwise met.
But it’s also led to more rejection than I’ve ever allowed myself to experience before. And it hurts just as much every time. But it also gets easier to recover from.
So whatever you’re dealing with that makes you feel small, damaged, unworthy, or any other lie- take a few moments (or a day or weekend) to consciously feel the negative feelings. Cry it out, sweat it out (flow it out with us), write or talk it out. Then pull your hair back, fix your outfit, and walk tall into the next part of your adventure.
I believe in you. As Suzanne said recently in her Mind Blown workshop, “you already have everything you need.”
Want to talk about your resilience, yoga, the meaning of life...? We’d love to chat with you!
Grab a coffee/smoothie with us after class, or send us an email to, or a DM to @omloungeyoga. This little studio is full of incredible yogis like you, and we love our community on and off of the mat!
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