F the Likes

Social media is driving me nuts. Lately, it's just.... I don't even have words. And yeah, I'm on it scrolling. I know. I'm in this, "I am a small business owner trying to make sure everyone knows what my small business has to offer and if I am not on social media then I will die into oblivion and no one will get to know the wonders of the incredible Om Lounge!" vibe. And such it is. And I, of course, will scream from the tops of Mt. Washington about the ways in which The Om Lounge is spectacular and yada yada. I own the joint.
But, get this --This is something that I never can ever get used to (seriously) and it wows me, sends shivers down my spine, and makes me emotional and happy every single time it happens -- When students come up to me in person to tell me how much they love The Om Lounge. On a particularly bad day/week I was having not long ago, a student came up to me after class and crouched down to my mat. They said, "Hey, Suze, can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Yes," I said, "What's up?" and I am not going to lie, I immediately thought, somebody overcharged them or they practiced next to someone that had BO, or the toilet is clogged, or they wish it was a little hotter colder- brighter -darker -slower -faster -harder -easier -longer- shorter ... you get my drift? I am not going to whine, but sometimes you can get a little weary when you are running a business. It's part of the job, of course, so I steeled myself.
They said, "I just want to tell you that you remind me of my mom. She was a yoga teacher and she died a couple years ago. Every time I come to your class, I hear her in my mind. It's like she is with me when I am here at Om. She was the kind of teacher you are... like the things you say and how you move are similar. I just wanted you to know that it makes me feel so good when I come to your class to be able to feel that and her presence."
Well, I did not see that coming. And I was just so.... overcome. I asked if I could hug them, and we hugged and then chatted a bit more. The truth is that no "likes" or "views" or "follows" can ever compare to the real thing - a real life "HEART ❤️ & COMMENT 💬" interaction between yourself and someone who actually is in the room where it happens. Face to face, baby. Over the years, there are many you who have said incredibly kind and lovely sentiments to me as well as our teachers. These words mean so much to us. Truly. Just like our time, words and effort on the mat have meaning for you and it is this exchange that takes place that is extraordinary.
This student's words have stayed with me for days. I imagined what that must feel like. To come to class and let the teacher's words and the practice, your yoga, be a bridge that establishes a connection to the mother you lost. This is what is real. This is why yoga is and has always been my constant. And why it always will be. I am so grateful for this practice, for our studio and community. Oh, and fuck the likes.
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