The Comfort Zone

As yogis, we’re often asked to move into postures that feel difficult, unnatural, or sometimes even impossible. Sometimes we find ourselves in a familiar asana, but we’re asked to hold it for an uncomfortable amount of time. Why do instructors teach this way?
I find that these moments of difficulty fulfill one or more of the following purposes:
- Calling on the intuition to battle the ego.
- Trying something new, or something familiar but with a new perspective.
- Growing in confidence.
- Building resilience, endurance, and strength.
- Choosing lightness and gentleness, fun and humor.
All of these factors lead to the ultimate goal: expanding the radius of your current comfort zone.
I could write a whole blog post for each of the five purposes, but I’ll keep this one simple by leaving you with these questions to consider:
- Are you aware of what exists within your current comfort zone? What is your current threshold for new and unfamiliar adventures?
- What do you wish you could do but are scared to consider?
- What is the worst that could realistically happen if you chose to do the scary thing?
- What is the best thing that might result from taking action?
Want to talk about your comfort zone, yoga, the meaning of life...? We’d love to chat with you!
Grab a coffee/smoothie with us after class, or send us an email to, or a DM to @omloungeyoga. This little studio is full of incredible yogis like you, and we love our community on and off of the mat!
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